Communicating in I.C.T.

Assignment 3   “New ways to communicate information

I.T has a huge impact in the world; it affects us in many different ways. These are the following topics in which i am going to discuss about new ways of communicating information;

Impact of I.T in Society
·         Communications
·         Manufacturing
·         Shopping
·         Medicine
·         Banking
·         Social Networking



Smart Phones - In the world of communication smart phones play very important rolls for the modern day person. A smart phone is a device that has the capabilities and functions of an ordinary mobile device. The reasoning to why it they are known as ‘smart’ phones is because they are able to send other forms of information. The functions in which users rely with smart phones are e-mailing, texting and calling. A Disadvantage for having a smart phone is that the user must ensure that they have a working internet connection, without an internet connection most of the applications on this device are pointless and unable to use.


E-Mails - E-Mails are a form of communication used electronically. E-mails are used for sending and receiving information to and from others, this is very beneficial for using in businesses. The advantages for using emails are that it is free of charge and doesn’t cost anything to send the information. When an E-Mail has been sent it only takes a matter of seconds in which the recipient receives the data. A Disadvantage for using E-Mail is there can be quite a high risk of catching a virus from spam emails. These messages are designed to harm the computer systems internally. The systems must require an internet connection in which an e-mail can only be sent.

Manufacturing - In the world of manufacturing I.T. has a huge impact. Products can be built consistently using equipment using to build it together. For example; a car manufacturer uses this equipment to build the cars for the company. The advantages to manufacturing are that of the cars can be built in good time and more cars can be built quicker than by hand.  The disadvantages are that the company doesn’t need as many workers and many of which will lose their jobs. If any of the equipment were damaged this could be costly for the business.

Shopping - Shopping online is used nowadays; this saves people having to personally enter into a shop. Accessing a website can save people journeys out due to distance or weather related; they can look at the items online and can choose everything that they wish to add to the shopping cart without taking a step outside or their house. Once they select everything they wish to purchase the order is set in place and is delivered out to the house. A disadvantage for shopping online is that credit/debit card details are not always safe, hackers could take details and the result in which money can be taken from users accounts.





Medicine - I.T is used in medicine to keep information about peoples/patients usually in a database or spreadsheet form. The advantages for I.T. in medicine are that holds data about where the person is from and all the information of the patient’s history which all stored onto the hospitals systems. A disadvantage could be if the person in questions information were to change. I.e. telephone number and address. The hospital may not be able to contact the person. It would be essential that the patient were to notify the hospital of any information that would happen to change.

Banking - The impact of I.T in banking is extremely important for people. People put their trust in banks to keep and hold information of their accounts and make sure that all of the information is kept safe. Online banking is used nowadays for users to look up their own personal banks details from the comfort of their own home. People are able to save time and check bank details from the comfort of their own home. A disadvantage why users fear about using online banking is that their information and details could be hacked into by online hackers.

Social Networking - Social Networking is used to keep in contact with family & friends.  We use this to message others quickly and is costs nothing to create accounts and send messages. A disadvantage to social networking can influence liars and you are able to create an account of ‘fake’ users. People can use this to start campaigns and can be used against governments to start revolutions in order to take ‘stands’ for people’s personal beliefs.


The Threats of I.T. in Society

In the world of I.T. users would encounter many different threats. These threats can affect people in a personal way. Here are the following ways in which it can affect users;

Cyber bulling can happen whenever and wherever and can cause many users a lot pain. Unlike verbal bullying, users who are on the receiving end across the internet of cyber bullying cannot get away from the abuse. People feel cornered and picked on with frequent abuse and this can take a blow to user’s self-esteem and confidence and be very stressful to the person.

The high street shop has in recent years threatened the amount of business; internet users can use sites such as eBay. The reason why users use such sites is because they can do it from the comfort of their own homes. A lot of pricing on the internet is also cheap, once users have made an online purchase they can have the item in question delivered straight to their doorstep. This cause less people to go to shops, the result of this can cause the loss of trade and income and can even result in the shop closing down altogether. Online shopping nowadays is very common and its no wonder shops are feeling the punch of the economic downfall.

Identity Theft is in relation to hacking. This can cause people and users problems with their money. These hackers are able to obtain access to users credit/debit card details. Whether this is to pass off their name in order to steal money from the user’s accounts or just to cause havoc.  Spoofing is also used in order to gain access to private pages. Spoofing is used by computer hackers that are looking to gain unauthorized access using an IP address and they are trying to draw in the user by trying to make them believe that they are a genuine. They can get details of information and use them in order to steal information or even money.

Social Networking can become very addictive for many users; many people can sit for hours and just be on Facebook, Bebo or MySpace and reframe themselves from taking regular breaks. The overuse of social networking can cause people back strain from sitting down for long periods of time. Sitting ages looking at a screen causes strain on the eyes from staring at a close computer monitor.


Blog Review

For my assignment I was asked to create a blog in which I was to insert information about “the impact of I.T. in society” I am going to discuss why we used a blog and the good points about creating them.

The reason to why we create blogs is so that information can be displayed on the internet and shared with other users all across the world. It can be viewed from anywhere and everywhere and users are able to access it at any time. This is beneficial for users worldwide to view a topic or issue that relates to them, this can be used for gathering information for students in schools or in the workplace etc.
            When the information is being inserted into a blog its set up is very simple. There is nothing unusual and only the basic buttons are included in blogs. This can be the size of the text; it can be small, normal or large. The options are very minimal and all blogs are consistent with the information. The guidance is easy to follow; this means even somebody who may find trouble operating computers systems can be able to create a blog with not much bother. They are able to set up backgrounds along with many use of colours to suit their needs. All accounts are able to receive feedback from others and able to interact with them about anything they are questioning about or just too simply appreciate the page by writing a positive response.
            The downside to blogs is that the information and pictures are tricky to get placed into the right place. You may have to keep checking and moving the information until it’s to your satisfaction. You must also be a frequent user and updating information so that users are always reading recent data. This requires a lot of time in which you might need to take to maintain and may result in becoming very addictive to the user. The comments in which other users can leave on the site can be abusive or inappropriate language. There are no stopping people from writing whatever they like.
            To summarise the use of blogs, yes they can be easy to set up and interact with users all over the world. But, regardless of what the information in which a blog contains there is no stopping users from writing anything they might feel. Although this can be good, depending on what they say, which can be foul, abusive or even discriminatory, it can also be bad.  

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